Confetti Agate

Confetti Agate

I only have two chunks of this, but they are fairly big (+10lbs.) so I sliced a few slabs off for cabbing. Mine came from estate sales so I have no idea how it got to Arizona. From what I've read, confetti agate was mined in Chihuahua Mexico back in the 60's and is now rather uncommon.

It's ok material to work with but has a lot of pits and vugs, some of which are little crystal surprises. One piece I have has a rind on two edges that appears to be a hematite or other metallic substance. If you get enough of the rind in the preform, it undercuts pretty badly.

All said, some confetti polishes up nicely, and has those pink, red and violet hues that appeal to the ladies!

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Confetti Agate
19x33x5 (mm)
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